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Neen and Grampa, Love You Always

Neen and Grampa, Love You Always



Angel Robin

Angel Robin
MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.

We Meet Again...

We Meet Again...







Cathy's Babies

Cathy's Babies

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

la Tormenta

 (swirled with "Emilies' Eyes",  piercing frosty filmy Fog...)

 Born  in the in-between Hours, February 7, 2012
~~♥~~ to my favorite Reader, whose Moon, whose Rich Love, graces, blesses this site entire,
Your Love makes precious each Moment of my Life

my Heart soars high to realize: 
our voices resound in Love spirals,
 even amidst white-fizz-noisy, storm-drenched, merciless Wind...

to let Her drown, we don't accept; 
remove thy burning amulet! 
Free the Poet...
let bleed the Rain, 
that Day's Mind may roam unfettered by 
your steamy, dreadful, careless, grinning chokehold

the Poet wept: he could not cease the dizzying current. 
The Storm!The Storm! (nobody heard)

Monday, February 6, 2012

the Emilies whisper (Intro)

the Emilies whisper

and so like a flute whose notes caress a silent breeze
you are here in my path at the twist in the road
where you promised you'd be, 
your beckoning hand,  your kholed Dreamy eyes...

the Moon sails wilderness notes;

see her tears? the horn's cries, in a Skyful of dew, 
poised for the drop to her hair, sparking eyes;
their shine awakens you,
as she dances 'cross Clouds to your opening arms,

at the twist in the road...

the Emilies whisper

to be continued...of course :)