Egyptian Queen: Her Dreams, your Screen, my Stage;
Thespian three swirl fantasies, drench your Dreams;
Patchouli-scented Air seduces kings,
Slain supplicant heroes at our painted feet.
Bronzed Feline deities, eyes wink, serpentine,
see all who pass these deep dark caverned paths,
musted over in clay Moon’s crimson dust,
twined ghost queens forever his majesty’s demise…
Egyptian Queen: Her Dreams, your Screen, my Stage;
Thespian three swirl fantasies, drench your Dreams;
Patchouli - aroma-ed Air seduces kings;
Slain supplicant heroes beg at our painted feet.
Jeweled moonbeams writhe nude inside us upon this Stage;
You came to me in Night’s damp drizzled clothes,
A moor-bound waif; you begged I’d grant your stay;
Your escape rode soft on my trance, through silver Night.
We broke our Journey to find our ancient Queen;
Heavy desert Air! She coughed as she awoke;
We lifted her, moved her, weightless to heaven’s stage
You sang her silent songs, gleamed stars upon her screen.
Gold trinkets, Silver! Pearls! Your feline eyes!
Our Queen, their screen, my stage, have you disguised;
You passed anew through one more curtained Dream;
We shall seek you, then away with our Ancient Queen!
Our Trio sings for those whose heads may turn
To feel foreign Wind, to whiff perfume-d Air
Of royalty, though steeped in other Times -
Three queens, our Hearts are yours: all men who dare…
Egyptian Queen: Her Dreams, your Screen, my Stage;
Thespian three swirl fantasies, drench your Dreams;
Patchouli - aroma-ed Air seduces kings;
Slain supplicant heroes beg at our painted feet.
for T.B.
for T.E.
for you, both Royal
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