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Neen and Grampa, Love You Always

Neen and Grampa, Love You Always



Angel Robin

Angel Robin
MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.

We Meet Again...

We Meet Again...







Cathy's Babies

Cathy's Babies

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Twitterings In The Snow February 23, February 24, and February 25 2009

yokoono "All rooms are passages for light"
2/25/2009 about 2 hours ago via API 

Retweeted by you and 68 others

(in reply to), by CherylFaith 

@yokoono So very beautiful, a Truth...We pass through so many Rooms; 
I see rainbow swirls of Light as I glide in a Dream so brightly lit. about 2 hours ago
SNOW Day after Night after Day after Night after Day..

I wish my sweet Robin were Home instead of out at work, miles away. :(

Nature Mother spills confetti; Wind grabs wet white lace, tosses, swirls;

Her People, Silent, awed, see SnowSnowSnow..
hyperbolic Snow! about 2 hours ago via web

For My Angel Robin, My SoulMate

# @bluesonicboy Our Hearts intertwine, my sweet English Love.
 2:03 AM Feb 23rd

I thought all the songs & poems were, for me, un-deserved Dreams, 

but across an Ocean, he waited. 1:55 AM Feb 23rd via web in reply to RAgainstSlavery

I fall into his eyes again...Timeless..Every answer I ever needed, awaits in the Globes of his Eyes & we touch.

Leo LEO ! My angel:

My babe has the most amazing eyes,like gigantic flying Moons touched by la Luna, la Tierra, el Sol. I crawl into his smile and I lose me

Playing with "Hyperbole" (Twitter)

I feel like one giant hyperbole. I try to do everything with the passion of millions of ancient women; I write 10 DMs 2 convey 1 meaning

I fly in 12 different directions; dream of 8 endings to my story, imagine 81 ways to tell him I love him... #hyperbole ? :)

Why be slow when I can run in 40 directions at once, like my grandma seemed to do, altho I never get it right; wish I were more hyperbolic

The 15-yr-old with his tawny hair & scrawny arms said he'd known 88 women in a "biblical sense". I wondered if he spoke hyperbolically.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Board of Education- Please don't cut Library Time or Personnel

Mr. (     )   Board President
(address of school board)

February 22, 2010

Dear Mr. Adamshick, and Board of Education Members:

We have recently discovered that the Marlboro School District Libraries may operate on
a reduced scale, thus affording the children fewer hours during which to avail themselves of the magic, the stimuli, the valuable literary/multi-media environment, which is the School Library. A child’s love of books hopefully begins at home, but is strongly reinforced in the soft, child-friendly, colorful atmosphere of the School Library. Here, our children learn about the world of fantasy, about their environments, and about the lives of  others around the World, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, which the Internet cannot replace; our children gain an understanding of respect for the tangible pages of magical words and pictures, and, under the gentle, knowledgeable tutelage of wonderfully devoted Library Clerks and Teachers, our children remember the library as a multi-sensory place where they will always find a haven in which to study, to think, and to Dream.  As an adult, I continue to find the Library an irreplaceable,  enchanting venue in which to escape and to *learn.*  My senses never cease to react when I imagine the various libraries of my childhood – an experience such as I’ve described should be offered to a child throughout the school Day. My desire is for my son to receive the same free Gift I experienced while growing up.

*How will our children replace the time they spend enjoying, learning, from the library books they are able to borrow; where will they go during the time they would spend within these sacred walls?*

As we understand it, the proposed cuts would also demote the District’s Library Clerks to a smaller number of work hours, thus, lowering their salaries; the reduction of their hours would result in a removal of the Clerks’ benefits, including health insurance.

We, the undersigned Parents, Grandparents, Relatives, Guardians of Marlboro Elementary School Children, feel the School Libraries should remain open throughout the
entire school Day. We feel the availability of the Library is *essential* for the completely well-rounded Education of our Children. I understand the District is faced with budgetary challenges, as most of us are, on various levels, at this moment in history.
We understand that the decisions which face you cannot be agreed upon with ease.
However, we ask you, most respectfully, to continue to leave your Marlboro School District’s Libraries open for the same hours as they already are, and to continue to compensate your  wonderful, caring, dedicated Library Clerks for their Full-Time Employment, without loss of any benefits.

Page 2 February 22, 2010 for Board of Education, re: School Library hours

We are respectfully grateful to you for your time and consideration, as you discuss this extremely important issue.

We are,

(names, & "parents/guardians of _____)

Monday, February 15, 2010

My little boy,
after raging at the stuffy state of his sweet little nose,
has fallen asleep to the dulcet tones of 
John Lennon's Voice.

"Nobody told me there'd be Days like these..." 
John Lennon
"All we are saying is give Peace a chance..."

I wonder if John ever suspected his Words would be so important?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

So sweet to Sleep, to Dream as One, & to Awaken in your Lover's arms.

Thursday, February 11, 2009
My Beloved brightened my Day with early Valentine Gifties; 
I smile up at the ceiling & see a balloon hugging Flowers, singing "I love you."

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thoughts while contemplating "Aztec Eyes," Canto II, while listening to my son throw toys & sing opera.

I hear it all now like a Poem
Whose voice, whose Mind now speaks to me?
I'm not afraid of the Unknown
Have no pain to realize
You are not like me-
You are Somewhere Else - 
Please reveal yourself to me?

I cannot Sleep for your Voice in me
Food means nothing,
only Love
Lives strong within me
Love and Words
The Music The Music
My Muse My Muse

Dancing Strings Sing Screams inside me
Boil, scalding, toward the surface now
Near to heaven's sweet explosion
Sweet Tiny Death, I seek your sound...
but You whisper not...                                         
No shy Muse, you,

The Music The Music
My Muse My Muse
Please reveal yourSelves to me?

I have a feeling I know who you are
But this admission
Means I'd acknowledge a NightMare  real,
Desert Horses trampling through my weary brain
