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Neen and Grampa, Love You Always

Neen and Grampa, Love You Always



Angel Robin

Angel Robin
MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.

We Meet Again...

We Meet Again...







Cathy's Babies

Cathy's Babies

Thursday, August 11, 2011

To My Twitter Friends, all over Universes

Many MANY thanks to my beautifully Souled Twitter Angel Friends!!!!
You are a constant & Positive Inspiration.
Please know I have you in my Heart & my Mind;
I have very little Time for my Writing, my Passion....
I will be back, as always, to Read *your* work, to spread Words about*your* aesthetic works.
I send you HeartVibes,
& a couple of this Night's rambling thoughts

Rainbowed arms hold us inside, tether us to each other inside Her torments...
I am so privileged to be part of this Circle with you. Love

A Writer makes love to each sacred a Singer makes love to each Note. 
I want to Write in this way ; 
You Inspire me, angels xox

PeaceLove&Smiles, CherylFaith  (ChayaChaya)


take your long wrangly fingers off me
leave me entrance to my head...
get away!

your walls try to close me in
but I move out
too much racing,
wasting sacred Moments

© 2011 CherylFaith Taylor

Symphonies in Awe (excerpt from ThemeSongs)

Infinity , Eternity, jeweled myriad soft Moons guide you, glide you
find your seeking Soul, dear friends
We never end
We never end

©CherylFaith Taylor

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Flavour of the Month

Presenting....bass drum rolls over & over, crescendos, 
plunges to soft , insinuating snares, rumbles once more, & then...

Flavour of the Month is "Codeine"
His silent stance seems lionine.
Coated in crimson yellow haze
I've not a Word worth "say" -
Darkness floats it all away -
Your new Laughing Coat, frenzied codeine dreams...

A visit to your dentist leads "a feeling of well-being"
"Please help me; I can't stand the pain!"
"Don't cry, darling, see the way
to feel relaxed; recline my dear..." Die
summer leaves in acid Rain
Flee this place!  Forget your face;
Don the dam-ned masque of  Treats!

Join psychadelic rainbow elves
who dive into her core;
bite her arsenic apple gore…
Pronounce her sweetness times twenty four,
before they arrive to pry you off the spikey metal fence,
("This is where I fell asleep" reads the Bookmark of Before.)
The joke you find a'sneerin at your bloody weepy eyes stole wings,
floats high upon the Mountain peak,
The Circle forces you to wait
Hold on, sweet darling...
only a little bit more...

This Day’s flavour is lionine,
A tiny Knight (or so he seems);
His white coat glows colours, blurs to haze…
She speaks with nothing more to say
Darkness floats it all away
Your laughing coat, in opiate haze

*the Court Jester snickers at you from an obfuscated corner :
"Didn't I warn you, oh sweet one?"

** if you scroll to bottom, please do a search for " Court Jester "...