a sprig of spider-sprayed chrysanthemum and then...
aBeam! a Birth! new planets form rings,
their colors at first dull, like this present Winter's
sloppy, lackluster, grey plastered shades, slapped sans Soul everywhere I see...
but these Rounds brighten!
brisk, beautiful Lightening strokes breathe eternal Life upon silent unsuspecting Skies
The rings step over each other delicately, surreptitiously, forming dorms for tiny Creatures,
dorms are dusty with old clay, melded, in lovers' eyes,
painted by new Light.
I hold my stance, immobile as the statue of Dionysus' marbled homes
you showed me in a giant Book when I wore flowery baby tights
when neighbors whispered "Jews" in fright,
when mommydaddy hushed their Voice upon my entrance to the sunny Monticello kitchen...
up in those Mountains
away away from the whole world, thirty minutes to the nearest sapling;
on our Street, only Old Ones' smiles upon us through deep sweet innocent Summers,
huge arms splayed as deities, we assumed these wouldn't leave
for how could they not be?
Huge, long, reaching gods,
playing pattern games with the Golden Stars,
breezing over our tiny bodies while we slept, unaware...
One Morning I awoke,
You were no longer anywhere I could see.
I am searching for you even now.