I have been blessed to realize:
Certain people in the Circle hold candles,
old wispy angels, inside their bright bejeweled eyes.
When perchance these people's auras enter mine,
I see no other aspect first,
before their eyes seek mine or mine seek theirs;
My fears are tempered by their tiny armoured iron suits,
Certain people in the Circle hold candles,
old wispy angels, inside their bright bejeweled eyes.
When perchance these people's auras enter mine,
I see no other aspect first,
before their eyes seek mine or mine seek theirs;
My fears are tempered by their tiny armoured iron suits,
whilst they waver, ever-so-slightly,
comforting my demons in moon-stroked allies
thank you, Alison; thank you, Karen : for your links in my Circles for your Hearts for your friendship