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Neen and Grampa, Love You Always

Neen and Grampa, Love You Always



Angel Robin

Angel Robin
MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.

We Meet Again...

We Meet Again...







Cathy's Babies

Cathy's Babies

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

excerpts from The Hyber Nation

***seriously...these be discombobulated excerpts,
 thrown from the Voice of a Wind Becoming softer, clearer....
 will post more later***


I'd bet my Lfe on it: you would meet me here,
after the sway of my hips,  my eyes inside yours, whisp'ring secrets-
in that language only we share...
loquacious symbols cloaked in patchouli -pungent Air...


a LifeTime in a Moment:
Experienced Total.

Borne of a blaze,
we awakened,
ascended as globefulls of fire, Earth, Air, Sky, Space

 we rolled 'round the canyon;
 (I sleep? I awake?)
'twas a  cyclone-like-Dream in a Moment replete...

 Leaves caught, blown abrittling, o'er my Windy Raven's hair



ssshhh {whisper} l...i...s...t...e...n...}

  (here in Her Sand)
I wrote Her name, my eyes Windied, inscribing for Ever,
here upon Clouds
(I always whisper to you about my friends, 

those winking, dancing, bailando Clouds,
their theatre-esque

(whsipers) Here....
, another Sky
Words I heard,
Words which confided, 

"We've come once more,"


...something more....
coloured crimson....
that honeyed sky;

I'd bet my Lfe on it: you would meet me here,
after the sway of my hips,  my eyes inside yours, whisp'ring secrets-
in that language only we share...
loquacious symbols cloaked in patchouli -pungent Air...

emblazoned in my Mind; yours, too

(suddenly our eyes interlock, love a Life in a Moment, 
inhabit a MountainWorld reBorn;
ancient goddesses peer at us, sentries 'round a chasm;
the Mothers know all;
their Songs, full-concerto, bounce around the canyon,
fill the frigid February Night:

"I will be with you,"

{ancient} desert squalls awaken, each granule new, honey-gold;
We painted our names on Her sacred Earth floor,
limbs full-locked upon  Sand,
as we ramble, shoot!scramble!
a circle-crab creature??
Our Music lies here; wait!
Our Music sings to you from the Sand!

***Have you seen our cave-dwelings,
always awaiting the circle's return,
our Moment's rebirth...?***