swollen scarlet float a'blush in Rain
virtuously, silently grows the verdant Grain;
a crimson field smiles; petals open, new;
I smile, a child, beneath the swarms of June
Bloom! (your petals still intact, your Song)
I come, disguised as Moon amidst fresh freeze;
my Light doth flicker; soft, scarlet heads weep:
"BeLoved, long we've waited for thy smile;
Thine eyes a'shine with MoonBurst, caught inside;
sweet Rounds: we're grown plush cushions for your Light!
Our sole desire: we thieve away thy pain,
to bounce your aches to Venus' new-borne babe!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Venus' cradle embraces thy babe;
Two Cherubs beam Joy - two pure Hearts seem saved;
Softly, sink thee into pillows aglow,
Lit by flamed flowers whose name you don't know
(oh so well...oh so well...oh so well...
so well you remember now;
you doth know our hold)
swelled scarlet eiderdown whispers your name;
"Welcome, dear angel - tis Time you remain"
one tiny tear shines upon her doll's cheek, as she sinks,
she succombs,
a porcelain creature without motion; deeply, she inhales dark scarlet satin-silk songs
she is home, she is gone, she succombs
face flat down,
her lashes are moist in sweet ether-Mourn's dew
into poppies
words hath flown free;
"aaahhh," she breathes
in supplication
into red flowers;
into a different Dawn