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MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

a kafka bug suite: a Kafka character dream

movements I
purple bubbled "p" pops; tis letter number three in "sip your drink, mate..."...
everything slants shrilly once again;
I feel me slipping...falling---
pity, as Purple stands Royal,
like that Creature in your glass...
purple letters create too much noise...
 Movements II : consoling Violets

Limbo'ed Raven-Folk reside in card-hotels;
those who do not fear.
those who do not dare to fear-
they visit -
we kiss them through a tiny violet window in the grove -
candles flicker, blaze the orchard;

our card-hotel sign screams, "Open"

Violet screams when forced to see
these purple letters follow me
I must console my desperate friend -
(I drop her into your glass again)
now breathe....breathe  -

We will pretend our bravest selves
to visit where the Ravens flow in
Violet's Rivers, 
beside those card-hotels who stole her name -
I think she'll dream upon reprieve -
Will she dream a new return?

Intermezzo (in a bug-pub) 
a "bug-pub is a solution for those who cannot stop the Meta morphoses

"you've poured more than a solo query to the (very ugly) bug," declared 
two tense-worthy causers who live in black shoes;
heir stiletto heels in a bunch: (our profound "pretty ponds")
afloat with plasticine piles, protruding beetles
climbing, creeping through thick-fuurred sticky Night.


movements III  

"tormenting Violets"
the kafka bug
he be a bloated - bellied guy -
He rolls round toward her purple door
"I love the sound of the Word,
"Violet," he oozes,
his wirey hair askew
askew in a silent whirring wind
we cannot see

all our worlds askew at once
all our Words cyclone, torment Violets, 
pass, whistling, through each other's rounds -
May we catch them, ball their electric dream hair into sense,
heal Violet's insomnia?

magenta dustballs rise like lies 
afloating round his head as he eats exits.