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Neen and Grampa, Love You Always

Neen and Grampa, Love You Always



Angel Robin

Angel Robin
MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.

We Meet Again...

We Meet Again...







Cathy's Babies

Cathy's Babies

Sunday, July 12, 2015

A-Mused by Mads Mads Mikkelsen (hi, Carla) :)

" A-Mused by Mads Mikkelsen "

I fall again into the hands of vultures who parade as man.
A candelabra burns me with His Light
I cannot Sleep.

Already vegetarian; twenty years, no meat!
ToNight a plum’s sweet juices sprayed me - Eat ?

I’ll grow emaciated, meet Kafka in my Dreams again (please ?)
Kafka, dear man, Genius, Vampyre?
How doth it all connect, my friend ?
Why doth each piece caress ?

(a whisper to Twitter's Carla Mikkelsen|| 76 @daddymads

Classic Cinematique Beauty, Male; Phantasmagoric, even sans gore?
See now more clearly how Mads ~must play The Vampyre?)

Oh, dear me! A fan again, am I ? (I am! )
Hold tight to Woman’s goddess Light, (I do ! )
but Play can steer a lady into places drear'ly-lit,
where Hours mean naught; 
Sleep’s but deceit -
Love lies with langourous elegance;

inside my Mind
 he fingers me, 
devours my Humanity

disguised as man
his stroking hand  
seizes my tenuous Life;

His breath still sweet with bella Donna's lips
I'm twice betrayed -
this monster's Kiss be Death 

Within this stultifying vault,
Phantasmagories ‘live once more;
With eyes lit firey, men like you
Can only feast –
Sweet Death be mine - you thrive !

But How to do my Day, to love my men, my cats, my “real Life” ?
When Moments flee and I go lost
in mazes mused by foreign men,
Actors who repose whilst wakeful women sing their Songs?

Excerpts from "Burgundy Curtains"

    ~~(firstly penned Autumn 2015~~

    I must now! close my eyes, my weary Curtains,
    rest them ready for a near alarm,
    sweet Music clock, in my little tiny phone-

    I wake for thee and thee, despite my every mundane physical or psychic pain. .

    I ask a Universe of Muses,
    bid them speak through me, 
    as Dawn's yawns begin their cease,
    plead with them to return after I repose, if only an hour,
    as you are my greatest Muse, mi amor;
    you and you, little man, my beloveds... !
    (my child giggled at one of his own Muses -
    they come often into his Sleep;
    he speaks with them, my tiny Troubler, Troubadour)
    You are my main Muses and I pray to every Deity of Good,
    every Light-bearing Lady,
    to do my best for thee Today,
    for my big thee and my little thee ("dee?")

    please help me to do right by them, 
    kind-Hearted, drowsy Moon,
    still sighing softly, hovering, caressing our home, 
    our Solo Heart.
    GoodNight to the Dawning Light -
    despite my many flaws,
    I am going to Sleep before you're fully Borne

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fabric frayed to Newly Woven

Fabric de-fraying,
   lately woven,
     always more...

These are either related pieces, or they are not...
They are Borne in different ~places~  but a few of them are multiples of a single Suite

*Please take them as you will...
I would love to know  what you see, what you feel with any of your senses, as you read...
Please comment freely...
Poetry is for the Reader; please open any door, and in you walk...

Poetry is always best read ALoud... even if you whisper...

    If these verses are disconnected for you, you are absolutely *correct*

       If you see connections amongst them, you are absolutely *correct*

   Thank You for being here, my friend...xox CherylFaith


I'd sooner be a Princess, Love and Poetry, my riches,
than a millionaire of monied Dreams;
Fabric frays, while Words remain


sexiest act I Dream he'd perform upon me:
 He'd Read to me, a Literary Classic,
 perhaps a lost Poem by eternal Sappho**
or a bit of Magic Blake...


His eyes skim the inherent Magic, the Mysteries carried in Words;
While he Sleeps,
 Murk births a SeaWeed-swathed angel;
 Lost Lotus Lady emerges 



Step toward thy Dreams with care, steamy nympth;
You know not with whom thy pretty cockerel hath lately lain