Across Time's Oceans,
since our dance began,
la Luna brilliante lights thine eyes as well as mine.
O! that brilliant Moon - Shine.
My love for you orbits with Jupiter's Moons,
with the Rhythm of
ever aLive
our Souls' shared LifeTimes Circle,
as our eyes, our brushes, reach Skyward,
"Hello to Zeus, to Jupiter,
to all Time's Newer Giants."
the Older Souls watch with prismatic
laughing eyes,
- tears -
a harmony, decidedly unEarthly,
tingles our ears our eyes our fingertips
Blooms like humid Summer ThunderStorms' testament
Booms echoes upon every Soul
the Older Souls watch with prismatic
laughing eyes,
- tears -
a harmony, decidedly unEarthly,
tingles our ears our eyes our fingertips
Blooms like humid Summer ThunderStorms' testament
Booms echoes upon every Soul
"Beseech, bewitch those younger Souls to flower."
this Moment inside the cycling waves,
Your touch Inspires me, empowers me;
o sister brother mine :
o sister brother mine :
We are Destiny's Painters
la Luna brilliante lights thine eyes as well as mine.
O! that brilliant Moon - Shine.
*Thank you, my dear friend, Ysabel, Muse.
I remember you each time I tune I tune to the Word, "Luna" <3
*Thank you, my dear friend, Ysabel, Muse.
I remember you each time I tune I tune to the Word, "Luna" <3
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