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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ezmeralda, The Spider Chronicles...Unravelling, March, April, May29, 2010, June 2010..

*Inspired by @TiddK on 
needing revision later...had to get it quickly everything I do lately...Please forgive errors of syntax, spelling, etc. 

Thank you, Dear Reader.

The Spider Chronicles...UnRavelling...

June 2010  
Ezmeralda!Your shibboleth Today,pray tell?
She changes it w/every move of Moon.
Her moods swing wildly since our Journey.
She wants to be alone. 
HippySpider, Ezmeralda announces: Summer Sabbatical!  
We know her mind may change with Wind's Song.
I hold her messages; sing me her Shibbolet  
TiddK You do know Ezmeralda only allows entrance 2her parties if prospective attendee sings the correct shibboleth in unique raspyWhisper,
12:35 PM Jun 3rd via web

rsrikanth05 Thank you so much for RT, dear Friend! I know Ezmeralda'd thank you similarly...but best not to get too close Today :) Love!  
Ysabeluna Love to you, Friend! Missed you! :) Thank you for RT (I know Ezmeralda thanks you, too.) :)
HippySpider, Ezmeralda announces: Summer Sabbatical!
We know her mind may change with Wind's Song.
I hold her messages; sing me her Shibboleth

Ezme's Sir Scribe, 
swarthy Desert-Daddy, decorates her Bohemian lair,
wearing blazingly beautiful, diaphonous 
webby death blankets, 
tatterdemalion transformed by Love. 

Please feel free to leave comments on site.Eng/Span.~Thank You So Much!

(began with plays on Words, from Twitter's Artwiculate) 
Huge Gaps here. Please read between the lines! :) Updates soon!

April 2010

  • Since age *tiny,* I've been afraid of Spiders.
    I must have mentioned this to you 180 times by now,
    sans mythomania
    I shall count later

  • Ezmeralda, HippySpider smiles at me & declares: 
    "You are my pet!" Her 16 legs (no mythomania; old eyeglasses),
    dangle in lamp's ambience.

At it again, are you,sneaky little Spider!
She sits & weaves,taciturn in Shadows

  • I love my wicked-sweet pal, Ezme,
    whose 8-freakySwirly-limbed Presence keeps me on my toes.
    Please don't call her a product of my Mythomania

  • Ezmeralda says "I'm a closet nymphomaniac."
    Crazy HippySpider weaves Brilliantly-be-Jeweled webs;
    her yarns be-speak her Mythomania -c Life.
March 12, 2010

Zelda Esmeralda is more zealous than
your average hippy Spider;
she  tieDyed her silky threads,
before weaving them into darkest corners,
to bring babies smiles

Zealous little Spider waves a twirly leg at me,
as she begins to weave another whimsical Web. 
She's a crafty spider & her work is obsessive!

 March 13, 2010 

Esmeralda, the Zealous Hippy Spider,  changed in Dreams 
& She  has been Colorized!
Today, she twirls limbs of purple & Gold at me,
from one of her woven haunts

Esme the Spider is a spectacle to observe, 
as her pandiculation displays
8 gold & purple limbs, 
reaching out
toward Spring's Silent Sun.

March 14, 2010

 Maybe you think I'm crazy; Ezmeralda the Spider does not! 
In a corner,she winks at me, 
intoning tales of Ancient Arachnid ritual.
She weaves.   

My gratitude to Ezmeralda, Mama Spider,
who helps cure me of Arachnopobia,
by weaving multi-colored clothes of silk, 
to make us babies laugh.  

YesterNight, Ezme, Arachnid Spidey,
tie-dyed 8 silky skeins,
beneath 18th century wooden eaves;
she sang me ancient Arachnid lore.
Blessed am I!  
March 15, 2010

Ezmeralda,Hippy Spider,whispered to me all Morning. 
She's swathed herself in gems, 
tiny little golden/purple flourescent Spidey jewels.

Ezme claims her boyfriend was not parsimonious; 
he gave her jewels, his Heart, his Love, his Life; 
then she killed & swallowed him whole!

Ezmeralda regrets not her crime,
views it as necessity-
she has time to craft splendorous, be-jewelled webs 
in every secret corner.

What, Ezmeralda? 
I am parsimonious with your computer time?!
Imagine a Hippy Spider,
each lithe limb swathed in tye-die splendour, typing!

400,000,000 Yrs ago,Spiders left The Seas;
their new Home made them parsimonious-
no sharing of silk!
Protection for their bodies & babes

Ezmeralda is educating me on the History of Arachnids.
Imagine! 2 Days past,
her tiny quiet presence filled me with trembling fear.

March 16, 2010
Ezme,Hippy Spider, beFriended me,
but Today arachnophobia shot me a newly wicked blow.
I shall be parsimonious in my Spidey praise for eons

I'm sorry, Ezme- your vibes are PureLight;
you glitter Iridescent beauty,whisper lovely lore, 
but still- I'm afraid!
I'll need more - your patience,please.

Ezme,please don't believe I'm parsimonious 
if I don't sing your praises for a Day or so; 
I must first confront my SpiderFear. :(

   March 17, 2010

Ezmeralda, HippySpiderFriend, whispers "Don't fear me,please." 
She flashes bejeweled tieDye Dreams,
8 multi-colored dancing limbs.

I can overcome my arachnophobia, she sings,
if I let our friendship grow.
She of crazy-colored whirling legs
is fungible with no other spider

Ezme, I must sleep,but you glow in your corner.
I'm your NIghtLight,dear girl,her whisper sweet.
Absorb my colors;
your Sleep will be Divine.
Please feel free to leave comments on site.Eng/Span.~Thank You So Much!

March 18, 2009
The Spider Chronicles for Today. :) Hope everyone has a beautiful Day!
Lovely #artwiculate people: If I don't RT you,means I'm away Today.

I search corners, floor (oh no!) ceiling, calling,
"Ezme, Ezme, sorry I was afraid of you! 
Where have you gone?" 
I don't Sleep
I'm desperate! 
Afraid to discover my beloved little leggy pal
has fled to the homeland of her mother, England?
Ezmeralda,where are you?!

Phone jangles! 6AM! 
Been up all Night, looking for Ezme.
Operator sings with a brogue.
I accept the charges, 
to hear the wispywebby webbywhispery
voice of Ezme.  
Ezme's on holiday in Daddy-Long-Legs' Land; 
she'll return singing colorful songs, intoned for her fun,
in her affected, whispery brogue. 

Thanks so much 4 RTs, sweetyHearts. 
Ezme smiles &waves @ you w/all 8 spidey limbs!

@kado56 Thank you!You're sweet! 
Esme @kado56 : Tell me your favorite color so I may weave you a hippy webby scarf, or a web of your own. 
@kado56 As you know, Ezme is touring the UK;
I pray she shall soon be in touch transAtlantically, 
& I will definitely ask her re: cocoons :)
Ezme's penchant for strong, rich Patchouli essential oil 
sends other HippyCreatures 
racing down supermarket aisles 
to sniff her.
Imagine irredescent 8-legged Ezme, seated in a pub,
weaving webs & yarns with 8 Irish mates,(64 legs!);
they all have a penchant for Spider Brogue. 
@AshikOnFire Ezme whispers in your ear:
"Nothing to forgive, matey." :) xx
@kado56 Are you certain you'd like a cocoon? 
She has a penchant for
wrapping prey in her multi-colored cocoons...
@kado56 As Ezmeralda *is* an ArachnoidHippy, she may consider leaving you sans munching, & seeing you safely Home,wrapped in Green. :) 
via web  :)  in reply to kado56

Jangling phone-MidNight! Ezme!
Pissed in a pub in the suburbs of Dublin! SpiderPal,
beware of randy blokes
with a penchant for Smart Flakey Spiders. 

1st time I met Ezme, I screamed @bluesonicboy,
"Get her outside, eek! No!! Don't kill her, just please get her out!" 
I had no penchant 4 spiders.

@osmarjardim I have always had
a *strong* aversion to spiders. 
Ezmeralda has arrived 
to help me cure my phobia. {waves at you} :)
More Adventures of Esmeralda, the HippySpider, to Follow!
You never know what that girl may do...or where she may go...perhaps you ought to check your corners......
But be *Not* afraid...
She's Rich! ---Well,  she's "Rich" with Colours & $.


CherylFaith says: "Please stay tuned..." & Thank You for Reading & Imagining!

Ezmeralda, HippySpider smiles at me & declares: 
"You are my pet!"
Her 16 legs (no mythomania; old eyeglasses),
dangle in lamp's ambience.

@TiddK :) Good Morning, sweet Friend! Hope your Day's lovely so far!
Ezme the Hippy Spider...really want to know? 
Sordid tale of limbs 

Not so sure you'd enjoy? Perhaps. 
I'd enjoy observing with a Friend
to hold my trembling hand. 
I'll tell you... 

Ezme's out of control!
I love her colors & her voice,
but I awake to see multiple hungover limbs, 
various frighteningly beautiful 
Creatures,Gardens & Forest-Haunters,
piled in Sleep on my kitchen floor! 
Empty bottles,
dregs of strange, green sickly arome'd ale  

Ezme's Art is more ethereally exquisite than ever, 
so perhaps I should not complain,
simply be grateful for her presence. 

Ezmeralda's gorgeous woven colors,
incandescent in MoonLight,
are barely visible by Morn.
I fear her best work is fueled by SpiderWeed 

& away she sleeps the lazyDay, 
intoning blurry whispered SpiderStories, 
micro-mini eyeballs flashing 
at rapid pace inDreams...


  1. I'm honoured to give you this idea Cheryl :-) I just love the thought of "Ezmerelda The Hippy Spider" becoming a book that children would read and gurgle happily over. They would probably never become arachnophobes ever!

  2. So much Love to you, Angel Friend. I am forever gratewful to you for your encouragement and your idea....Ezmeralda & I are engaged in talks concerning her possible future in Literature.
    The main problem is: I am so arachnaphobic, I find it difficult to get close enough to speak with her.

    Love you,'re in my Heart
