you do what you please, whether or not you imagine other(s)may a) disapprove, and/or b) think you are weird?
...I have.
I think you have, as well. Tell me, darling?
As long as I'm not trying to hurt someone, I decided over the past 2 years:
1) I will be the best person I can, by trying my best to be good to my brothers & sisters all....even if they've arrived from other planets/times :)
b) I will be myself. I shall try not to censor who I am. I spent nearly my whole Life years trying to please others. Lately, I've realized I will never please everybody, but it doesn't matter, & the World needs
everyone (except child-molesters &murderers) . However I have come to be who I am, I am (to my knowledge) the only "me" on Earth. Maybe I'm supposed to be as I am.
Poetry and other *~WORDS~* are ~BENEATH~ the Photos.
Please be so kind as to Scroll DOWN beneath Photos to READ...ThankYou, CherylFaith
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PeaceLove&Smiles, CFT
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Neen and Grampa, Love You Always


Angel Robin

MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.
We Meet Again...




Cathy's Babies

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