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Neen and Grampa, Love You Always

Neen and Grampa, Love You Always



Angel Robin

Angel Robin
MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.

We Meet Again...

We Meet Again...







Cathy's Babies

Cathy's Babies

Thursday, December 1, 2011

In Province Tranquil (Season I)

She sees leaves colour ground unfound by the celebrants;
she knows:
Gold survives in severed hearts, parted, fragments, 
dying arts of business- contracted beneath Winter stars - 
enterprise between angels,
those who left here long ago...
Here times ten, 
her Soul must try again to intertwine with
Gold and Silver piano keys...
stiff repertoire - dance her Soul in frozen forest...
She wonders whose Dream...
all you see in Tranquil, these Days:
leaves painting frozen earth;
revival arrives - yes! - weaves 
tiny firey exhalations upon sinking floor;  
in Time? 
Time for the games now? The Hour
for jubilating magic raking
leaves   ?
her Soul must try again to intertwine with
Gold and Silver piano keys...
stiff repertoire - dance in frigid frozen forests
to conjure back the jewel-ed melodies

Saturday, November 12, 2011

for JDM, composed on FaceBook, one lonely Moment in between...

the brief Life & Volumes of Poetry by James Douglas Morrison Inspire me endlessly.
whilst he is not my only Muse, by far.  
A great many amazing Creators, Composers, Artists of myriad media live within these pages...but...

These Words are for  you, Jim

for JDM, composed on FaceBook, one lonely Moment in between...

Words...I am so tired & I can, at this Moment, speak more smoothly with my eyes, but...
May I be so bold as to invite you into my tiny Cave...
I try to lead toward the magic which haunts me...
This venue I offer will lead you to yourself, BeLoved Muse...
You smile astride another place where I roam free-er,  even within this "CyberSpace," ...

You so often aMuse me ...I will lead you to evidence,
whether or not you choose to accept my dubious invitation 
to the promotional page of a humble Poetess who prays to publish a tiny volume in the Future, 
2012 (but We really be so much older)...

In terms more audacious: my digital workshop (most of my work lies awaitin' in purple-covered, spiral-bound notebooks, all over my home) ...mi online workshop shows you have Inspired me...I mention you, while other times, I simply (complicatedly) smile upon you, blowing kisses into sweet wild Winds, and you guide me. More often, you Guide me in my longhand, Soul-scrawls, which burn to be told, but I know not to whom...

I can guide you to particular "posts,"...The cyber-page to which I invite you is but an entry to my cyber-workshop. Please forgive the ramble...I am so weary...of yesterday...
most humble thanks!

& I do so love you...
I pray our LifeTimes be simultaneous, somehow, someTime,
in the Circle which I see.....

PeaceLove&Smiles for Ever, CherylFaith

Eighteen Billion Gems in the Sky To Guide You: 
Please avail yourself of Life's abundant Joys. 
You do quite richly deserve. When I feel down, I find, unfailingly, that another sentient Being, or one of Nature's Miracles, shares a piece of Joy...sometimes I have to be very open...

    Friday, November 11, 2011

    november 1888, a raw Suite, several partes

    dos o tres partes de "raw Novembers"

    I didn't really believe you'd moved toward me;
    How could I bear this daze, feelings bruised Blue?
    hurts so...this Pain...
    Can it be borne... ?

    the breeze tilts the Trees' arms in whispers,
    insinuating rumours of loves
    to come and quietly leave
    so softly...
    Turn, mi damsel
    turn, turn, twirl,
    swirl, twirl, spin...


    A new kind of Poem
    where Words really rhyme;
    *only* Words will be tamed here...

    should Fear be thy mate,
    here be not thy sanctified humble home

    Surreal colours circle us - zoom!
    Do you see strange colors, too?
    Their Songs' fingers reach to push together...
    to form "Together"  -

    my fingertips, timid. upon your neck,
    two tiny pain kisses,
    azure, sooth-ed rouge...
    not until the dazed trainride home,
    did I remember

    my fingers' molecules
    attempting to touch you inside
    trying to know you more -

      whispered los colores: "melt into me...into me...into me..."
    They sought to meld us into One ?
    the achey Stars, our Energies,
    our pliant, suffering, swelled bodies
    Together, inside this Autumn Storm Together

    I shall never forget the Moment we first touched eyes
        no possible hiding...
    Words interrupt

    Words interpret our invisible, impossible conversation,
    as a bloodied knife, already shredding my Heart & me,
    dances in more deeply...

    Friday November 11, 2011 a little tweet I can't fit into 140 characters

    @selkiec @LucasWarWillow @JanetEGunn @Ysabeluna 

    Angel angel where art thou?
    so much Music to be sung!
      myriad moons beam , Skate the Skies!
    surround fae sounds o'er our rainbowed hills

    O! Magic Friends! :)

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    for Lady Luna

    Your fair flames light quiet Night's potent intrigue;
    Peace, silken fire, soothe me, hush my ache-torn Soul;
    I don't recall a Time tranquil tunes breathed,
    whispered soft news, stroked my tired racey brain.

    Grateful feels my Heart inside your love gaze;
    Your lunar ampitheatre fills my Soul;
    She who sees your mystifying Beauty
    Floats, Gifted, in this Night, you golden Globe.

    most humble graces to you, Lady Sky;
    your songs form colors, celestine symphonies!
    Your Dark reveals saints, angels, starry eyes,
    Floats, Gifting, Shining Night, your Golden Globe.
    Thank you for affording my brain the first crystalline, serene group of Moments  
    I can remember.
    Do you know how I wonder at your charm?

    Monday, November 7, 2011

    6 November, 2011
    Happy 8th BirthDay, my Beautiful Boy....
    Mommy Loves You!

    Saturday, October 29, 2011

    October Mirrors: Varied Views

    October Mirrors: varied views

    (for Robin, always)
    my Heart warms anew; I sense your body near.
    Thru hurricanes of pain, you kiss my tears.
    our Souls no longer sleep apart
    in deep- mired, greedy sinking Dark;
    My enemies can never wake
    my horrid, icey, heart-hewn hate. 
     You slay my demons, your sword guards our bed;
    and in my miserable tired head
    Your eyes Light our Mirror! My Love, my Joy!
    for we are one, my "blue-sonic boy"  *
    * "blue-sonic boy" : these three Words are from a song by the group, "All About Eve,"
    although my use of the nickname is quite contrary to the Song*

    Friday, October 28, 2011

    more October mirror views: Dances

    2010 & 2011

    NightTime Tain -ride Writing,,,, October 2010

    Mirrors in mirrors swirl tides in your dancing eyes.
    Ethereal, Sky-hued Poetry Lights Your Eyes
    I'm fully aLive;
    your Mind strokes my deepest Soul
    A dance alights inside your eyes
    Your animation hypnotizes
    I am thoroughly happy inside your eyes. *

    * last line: Combo: 
    NightTime Tain-ride Writing, October 2010 
    NughtTimeMindEye Dreams, October 2011 

    SunSet Fantasy

    You've moved me, wholely; my cheeks flush;  two tears, 
    in dirge, yearn for unspoken broken Truths;
    My eyes wind West, down 'pon your beauty's wings
     You spoke deep music, hushed tones, softly tuned...

    you disappear - like a train; you vanish;
    my eyes, mesmerized,  cannot leave your path;
    my Soul holds an aching mural for Ever:
    A lithe black man awash in Golden Rose

    Thursday, October 27, 2011


    October  2011

    Ivy-crowned Prince,
    I've yearned to meet you
    in the smile that is our night;
    Sonnets, cantos, Words unite us here 
    in a Library replete with ev'ry precious Jeweled Word ever inscribed upon "sacred space"


    Winter Library Scene 2010

    Two young policeman searched for many Days in muddy Snow.
    Their flashlights pricked, bored snarly pinpoint eyes:
     daggers glared, dug mucky car-quashed abyss

    My Momentary angel flew out, around me;
    I stood still, watching, swathed in her fluttery warm winged Air

    She tapped a policeman on his frozen crimson nose
    "Do you seek the bones, kind Sirs, the fractured finger bones?"

    "We want to find the Fingers whole."

    "Why out here, on holy Library Land?"

    "We think here may be where they fell 
    when they came to know about the Books."
    so very sad, the angel looks
    she hadn't known the fate of Books...
    I sigh inside her old embrace

    so weepy am I; cry my shattered Dreams
    (final two stanzas added October 29, 2011)

    after NightMares regarding broken bones,
    I comprehend my flying, tripping Heart...
    I understood why the fingers mattered ...
    Tears burn, fall to blur your exquisite prose...

    (I did, of course, see the Sunset.
    a backdrop beam-ed Sky of rose and gold.
    Speaking with the World's Master-Writer, surrounded by that idyllic Sky)

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011

    other photos from the Court Jester series: Dreams of His Demise

    2 Versions of the same Story...

    Your Byzantine kohled black eyes
    scald Sky-painted glass, 
    scream melted embers all over my 
    My Lord, your old Stars mutate!
    I am awake.


    Ferociously,  I twirl your world 
    beneath my nimble fingertips;
    Your dervish laughter, legend once,
    swirls clownishly, in emptiness

    My unEarthly diamond prisms flash,
    show your rage's futile sovereignty
    for all fae maidens, tiny hands clasped
    to see with glee; within, they laugh

    I refuse to be reBorn as a fragment of your world


    Your every effort to recommence
    a long, slick, sticky self-monument,
    to hold nubile captives, fossilized
    while you assume a new disguise -
    Your every absurd undulation fails
    falls heavy, plods, stomps toward your demise...

    I refuse to be reBorn as a fragment of your world

    The Goddesses know the vile Court Jester
    was ne'er my Lover, but my consequence,
    for playing the Game of Open Door, The Open Door, The Open Door..

    rough draft...version 1 

    Your serpentine, Byzantine eyes
    scald melted mounts,  black embers,
    all over my Dreams

    but now:

    Ferociously I twirl your world beneath my nimble fingertips
    As your dervish laughter swirls to concrete ground
    unEarthly diamond prisms flash.

    I hear your rage;
    your grief fills the Sky;
    Ironic bellows crash on high...

    Your every effort to commence
    a long, slick sticky Monument
    to hold new captives fossilized,
    while you assume a new disguise...

    I think, "Time's arrived; waylay your dream!"
    insipid monster on ancient screens-
    Reach, grab, yet all you do is lose
    One finger at a time...


    Ferociously I twirl your world
    beneath my nimble new fingertips

    I shriek! Foreign Lightening brightens me!
    To think:
    I sail beneath dark Seas,
    & all I dreamed seemed out of reach...

    I refuse to be reBorn as a fragment of your world

    The Goddesses know the vile Court Jester
    was ne'er my Lover, but my consequence,
    for playing the Game of Open Door, The Open Door, The Open Door..

    Please click below to 
    read other installments in The Court Jester Series

    Sunday, October 2, 2011

    Brownies and Bananas

    Brownies and Bananas

    Dear Banana Lady, (local supermarket shopper, who queued to pay for your purchases in front of my son and me),

         I am sorry my energetic, impatient, bored little boy's right index finger touched your three green bananas, (which, by the way, you had precariously placed, in your grocery cart's top/side area, where one of them hung, provocatively, peering at any-sized prankster, a dare-me grin upon his tender new upper peel), resulting  in their graceless, yet shockingly non-bruising tumble to the besmirth-ed supermarket floor. Did you see? My son immediately retrieved your fruit, placed it more securely than you had, back into your cart, & hung his head ever-so-slightly; the Words, "I'm sorry," passed through his sweet little mouth & into your ears, I am certain you heard. He has practiced, incessantly, the articulation of these Words (although, I am proud to say, he has no more regular need to say them than any seven-year-old boy).

         Thank you for being so kind. I spoke sincerely when I offered to: a) return your stalwart, verdant threesome to Produce & to switch them for a virgin, never-met-floor threesome,  b) pay for your original unripened green team, (you insisted these were the exact length and plumply-formed fruit of your desire), c) purchase for you that Mars bar, your score! (your entire Day's persistent fantasy?) You opted to retain the original happy little threesome, & you were as gracious as could be... ?  

       Madame, I pose a question. Perhaps you could clarify for me. When you smiled in such a manner which seemed to pain you, bobbing your self-righteous, super-coiffed, AquaNetted helmet in certain comprehension of the situation; when your gentle Heart spoke...  and you stated: "It's so difficult for him," had the thought occurred to you that my son had acted as any little child might, in the same situation? I believe the assumption which sounded in your head lacked any brain-stress. "It's so difficult for him."  Did you mean: "A little boy who looks as if he might have Down Syndrome should not be expected to behave appropriately? A child who looks ~different neither should nor (indeed!) cannot be held to the same standards as another child, when the theme is: “We do not touch other people's property?"

         Madame shopper, Lady of the gentlest of Hearts, whilst you and I were engaged in our brief, insightful conversation, did you see my son heft a huge container of mineral water from my cart and place it upon the conveyer belt? I missed the sight, but the pretty ladies behind us reddened and giggled; one female exclaimed, “What a strong little boy, and what a flirt he is!”  (She looked rosey, glossy, directly stepped from the cover of the Autumn Vogue magazine which begged a buy, while witness to the fun.)   Earlier in the shopping adventure,  I wish you had been nearby as we perused the bakery section. I told Leo, moving swiftly, miserably, away from the bakery, "I've been craving a brownie for weeks."  Leo doesn't really like brownies, or anything chocolate, very much. He did, however, walk over to the bakery shelf, where sumptuous treats of every manner fill approximately twenty crowded shelves, and never cease to baffle my brain, utterly stumping my decision-making process, each time I allow my chocoholic's eyes to linger in that haven...He walked directly over to that heavenly section (I had averted my eyes, truth to tell). His little hands quickly picked up a medium-sized, round pan, while he simultaneously indicated a second pan, this one small and square. I, his own mother, actually thought, "Since Leo doesn't like chocolate, and he has likely never eaten a brownie, I am in zero danger of Leo finding my chocolate fantasy today."
    His left hand cradled a pan which read "Brownies;" these appeared to be a conglomerate of low-calorie, non-fat, dull, tasteless, baked brown fake things, bland-looking enough as to nearly remove my urge. The little foil pan at his right hand offered me a decadent, four-piece selection of 300 calorie-a-piece, walnut-smothered, still oven-warm, fudge brownies. Oh, my boy! I love your Heart! I crouched to transfer love into his eyes.        

         Sister-supermarket shopper: I do not think you are a villain. I only ask you to imagine, to stretch your mind's boundaries a bit. Please be not offended by my request, as I bear you no ill will;  I understand your...well...your ignorance. I have been (I am!) ignorant about a great many subjects in my Life. I try to learn from every experience, although certain grooves inside our brains are so well-worn as to be slippery, so we stick steadfastly to their old familiar curves, fearing an avalanche if we are to detour...Thank you again, Madame. I pray your bananas bring you enormous enjoyment. Please consider my intelligent little son as you bite into that perfect, miraculously-formed fruit. Even if you discover a tiny bruise, you might still consider that Natural wonder a piece of perfection...

       Oh, and I appreciate the way you jogged my memory, Ma'am: I craved a tiny botanical review, after meeting you...Did you know?...Bananas don't grow on trees!

    Thursday, September 15, 2011

    Part I, "The BoardWalk" series

    I tune into you
    ever since I was a child (and now)
    sitting in a most unlikely place,
    seeing Energy take shape, 
    assume new form where love had never lived

    In you walk
    My whole World shifts -
    You stepped right into the Energy!
    She beckoned you with Joy! your surprising eyes of Sea!
    My angel came aLive
    To teach me all that I might ever do, and more...
    (myriad molds to form in a LifeTime;
    Dare I ever dream to build those stores of yours?)
    In you walk, my angel...
    My whole World shifts...

    You sing me to sleep on a Brooklyn beach
    on the Boardwalk, where my monsters sleep, below;
    they remain asleep; they flee; your love rocks me:
    Your Gift of Peace

    for my beloved Nina

    foam mansions (excerpt from "The BoardWalk" series)

    flowing full rush into Rivers,
    whose mouths open wide to ports,
    where they crash!
    the doors eclipse!
    now the Rivers eschew the creatures' shores,
    back splash wack!
    wild white waves
    in force to find new form
    draft new-Souled mansions
    to be Born
    post-Dawn ruins...

    Wednesday, September 14, 2011

    Painted Darker Blue to Desperate Tunes...

    Painter:  Darker Blue to Desperate Tunes,
    Your kiss moves, simmers Songs, deep caverned Blue
    Your deep contralto aches me into Being
    I feel your Force, to Prove the Lightening True

    Your scarecrow smile, your spindled wasted body
    An Iron vessel huge for Singing True
    Worlds of pain and love rushed, surged your Being
    I feel your force to prove the Lightening True.

    Little sister, diasphoric baby
    Humanities' fears flushed full in frightened you
    Your deep contralto aches me into Being
    Your eyes kissed mine inside the orange Moon

    Saturday, September 10, 2011

    further excerpts from " Circles "

    even if  I knew a way to show you the fluid Circle I see,
    She whose concentricities form multiplicitous mysteries,
    colored bubbles, hoola hoops' spin,
    rainbows afloat in diamond spirals;
    imperfectly round, exquisite, transparent, 
    iridescent Cloud Mount mansions,
    all swimming 'round in a huge pool of glow...

    if I should know the secret to the Whole
    No more Mystery to ponder...
    perhaps my bubbles might evaporate -
    Empty would be my rich round Life...

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    To My Twitter Friends, all over Universes

    Many MANY thanks to my beautifully Souled Twitter Angel Friends!!!!
    You are a constant & Positive Inspiration.
    Please know I have you in my Heart & my Mind;
    I have very little Time for my Writing, my Passion....
    I will be back, as always, to Read *your* work, to spread Words about*your* aesthetic works.
    I send you HeartVibes,
    & a couple of this Night's rambling thoughts

    Rainbowed arms hold us inside, tether us to each other inside Her torments...
    I am so privileged to be part of this Circle with you. Love

    A Writer makes love to each sacred a Singer makes love to each Note. 
    I want to Write in this way ; 
    You Inspire me, angels xox

    PeaceLove&Smiles, CherylFaith  (ChayaChaya)


    take your long wrangly fingers off me
    leave me entrance to my head...
    get away!

    your walls try to close me in
    but I move out
    too much racing,
    wasting sacred Moments

    © 2011 CherylFaith Taylor

    Symphonies in Awe (excerpt from ThemeSongs)

    Infinity , Eternity, jeweled myriad soft Moons guide you, glide you
    find your seeking Soul, dear friends
    We never end
    We never end

    ©CherylFaith Taylor

    Wednesday, August 3, 2011

    Flavour of the Month

    Presenting....bass drum rolls over & over, crescendos, 
    plunges to soft , insinuating snares, rumbles once more, & then...

    Flavour of the Month is "Codeine"
    His silent stance seems lionine.
    Coated in crimson yellow haze
    I've not a Word worth "say" -
    Darkness floats it all away -
    Your new Laughing Coat, frenzied codeine dreams...

    A visit to your dentist leads "a feeling of well-being"
    "Please help me; I can't stand the pain!"
    "Don't cry, darling, see the way
    to feel relaxed; recline my dear..." Die
    summer leaves in acid Rain
    Flee this place!  Forget your face;
    Don the dam-ned masque of  Treats!

    Join psychadelic rainbow elves
    who dive into her core;
    bite her arsenic apple gore…
    Pronounce her sweetness times twenty four,
    before they arrive to pry you off the spikey metal fence,
    ("This is where I fell asleep" reads the Bookmark of Before.)
    The joke you find a'sneerin at your bloody weepy eyes stole wings,
    floats high upon the Mountain peak,
    The Circle forces you to wait
    Hold on, sweet darling...
    only a little bit more...

    This Day’s flavour is lionine,
    A tiny Knight (or so he seems);
    His white coat glows colours, blurs to haze…
    She speaks with nothing more to say
    Darkness floats it all away
    Your laughing coat, in opiate haze

    *the Court Jester snickers at you from an obfuscated corner :
    "Didn't I warn you, oh sweet one?"

    ** if you scroll to bottom, please do a search for " Court Jester "...

    Sunday, July 31, 2011

    Arteries... (excerpts)

    Parte I :  Views from my bedroom window,
                     Agua Miel (HoneyWater)
    Four hundred eighteen fluid Lives
    Surge unseen through your Living Stream;
    Thrice-gleaned photos, my tossing Dreams,
    You glow volcanic strength in Nights,
     silence sirens,  fear-hewn screams

    (all I have to do to see you is peer out my window; 
    I wish those dogs would leave you in peace)

     jeweled spray, Quash heat's stormed torments' rise;
    shoot Life to surface; I realize
    your every diamond droplet, guided by Good,
    injects Lives, raises alien- coated angels in Blaze...

    Who gifted you your kind-Hearted potency,
    your unceasing bravery,
    your expertise to drown our searing pain?
     You bundle children in smokey quilted air,
    cleanse parents' tears,
      you exalted River...

    I peer through my bedroom window,
    ask your crimson metal sentinel Home a question,
    flash his potent flowing honey my largest smile.


    parte IV:  TearDrop

    I kiss your teardrops,
    taste Earth & Heaven's Salt & Rain...
    My finger loves the skin around your eyes' soft contours;
    your sweet baby breath soothes my tormented Heart
    even in your tiniest TearDrop lives a sacred sentient Life

    {Please lose your fright at the sound-barrier-breaking-alarm;
    a  Fire Brigade arrived when you were Born & lost consciousness}

    *~*Please click here to see our new Facebook Page*~* 

    Saturday, July 30, 2011

    Eighteen Billion *Jewels*

         by "Sky" I metaphorically mean "all around you".
    I'll probably change the name of the Project;, as I love ~long vowel sounds. 
    Short letters, like the "e" in "Gems," grate at me. 
    They are Musically different to my general style.

         Every Friend who visits here, please know:
    I know you each from different Times & Places; I've a unique feeling of "Friend" for each of you. 
    This virtual page (I mean our new Facebook Page) is a shameless self-promo, :)
    for a publication of my material;
     I was coerced into participation there!

          Whether my baby (the "Collected Works" (*a nod to my Mentor*)
    sells 1 copy, 0 copies, or...dare I say...~more~...please know you are a part!

         I desire to help people in my Writing...I always pray to do so...

    Simply, Thank You. You are many special People...Look around at who has gathered here... 
    Peace & Smiles! CherylFaith

    *~*~*Please Scroll to Bottom 
    & Click Upon Link 
    to see our new Facebook page
       Many HeartThanks
    Peace & Smiles,