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Neen and Grampa, Love You Always

Neen and Grampa, Love You Always



Angel Robin

Angel Robin
MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.

We Meet Again...

We Meet Again...







Cathy's Babies

Cathy's Babies

Sunday, September 2, 2012

the apprentice


awakening ?
stagnant, soured crypt-born breath.
dead dry dull be-drugged lumberous limbs,
unnatural, torpid, slothful misery - mired miasma,
snake onto the doll's blanched legs
sputom covers its arms as they try in vain to rouse her
(she's a doll! are you crazy?!)

Cries are vain.
Your crying is so very vain.
You are so very vain, my dear,
but this so endears me to you, my love -
now stroke me here, my little doll;
stroke me darling; do not cry;
the comedy: her reddened eye,
a missile aimed a bit too high -
Cries are vain;
you feel no pain.
You Feel No Pain.

You Feel No Pain.
Life hangs in dreams of other times - only - 
nevermore, not here, never here again -
Life's far-flung angels, replaced by saccharin beasts;
flesh rolls, turbid torturous bellows
upon the tiny downy pillows,
pins the petite porcelain creature;
murdered heart; stilled sane soul;
(never really stolen Soul)
stained crimson numbing treachery;
a fortnight sleeps the memory
three - decade death, debauchery -
inanimate creations do not sleep;
man-handled forms no substance make;
life, now a thing to look upon
a once-remembered dream, a dawn,
a song, smiles, love; no morbid steeping;
quagmired hopes, desperate screams - 

She lay in drink- drowsed guilty dreams
drink-drowsed dirty dooming dreams.
crush such lecherous vapid demons
stir curdled leche *  in their tea
malignant monsters pound pale porcelain
dead the dolls who blinded be -
“Take them to your quilted halls;
anesthetize their baths, burn all;
confiscate their tight-laced shoes,
their bottled love; their airless thrills;
feed them tiny rainbow poison
rolled in ether, made by boys
who self-flagellate in basement cells
conspiring to demonic calls…”

be above;
be silent behind your huge oak desk,
where dolls lie coiled in deep unrest;
experiment: the Fury pays -
always offer them a space
to speak; pretend to hear their cries;
in history they find a way
to still the pain
to slay the dreams;                                   
call them crazy
steal their lives
frigid smiling doll housewives
sing on the telly
play world games;
some celebrate a different way;
some celebrate in other ways;
(we pay and pay and pay and pay .... 
what are our crimes?
maybe I shall never know
maybe we will never know
and we cannot confess

we can never tell  
you know why 

She lay in drink- drowsed guilty dreams
drink-drowsed dirty dooming dreams. 
Hold the doll down - down!
Irritated dolls have been known to speak – 
         “down! down, she cried! “

Tease her mouth; the willow switch tickles them;

(drowned laughter foams upward above her; she floats away on its current}
("teacher, terrible thing, what happened to the gold girl - do you wonder where she's gone?")
“ look away; look away; you may find this part slightly unpleasant.”
(how do you survive here?)

Early; too early, four in the morning! I should be dreaming; should have had my sweetened tea! (drifts…)
“…you selfish bastard! Help me finish here. Stifle! Here! A rag - stuff the mouth- there - good- good boy- “

Really? really I may go far? (earnest and hopeful) 

* leche : milk, Spanish

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