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Neen and Grampa, Love You Always

Neen and Grampa, Love You Always



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Angel Robin
MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.

We Meet Again...

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Cathy's Babies

Friday, September 21, 2012

tiny twittery message to friends...

I copied these 140-character utterances here (below), in case your eyes don't see them on Twitter,
I have several online friends with whom I don't interact sufficiently for them to know I care...
Please realize I don't mean to be unfriendly, and I have you in my Heart !
I do love Twitter but I can't be online as often as I would like...

I twittered these Words to you this Evening, because I felt sad: Friday once more, and again, I cannot do #FFs or tell you how you so often lighten my Heart.

Thank you so much for having mentioned me, and I hope to be back to you soon.

*If we meet here and now for the first time, you can probably see: I'm a Word and Language geek!
I capitalize "Word" because I absolutely worship Words.
I am their unworthy slave. If only they would speak to me more clearly, perhaps I could serve them better.
I am listening! Can you hear me, O Great Ones?
Words have huge potential to help heal the Human Race.
I want to do my part, to perform as best I can,
whatever be my mission in this achingly beautiful World. 
My power feels small, as I have little financial ability to help anybody...
all I can do is to love....and to Write...

I love my family, those closest and those more distant. My little boy, aged 8, and my husband and SoulMate...I would give my Life for either or both of them, if it ensure their safety, and that they would know Joy...However, I would much rather enjoy Life with them!! You can see images of my beloved men, as well as of my ancestors, within my Writing, although much of my Writing is completely fictional.

You can also peruse and find actual photos of the people whom I most love...

Many thanks for Reading. May you be comfortable and rich in Love, Health and Joy.

CherylFaith, September 21, 2012, (on a calendar a bunch of people have agreed to follow, a couple millenia ago, but which is not the *only* calendar...)
Below are the twitterings I mentioned. In case you are not a person who uses the Social network called Twitter, it is a place where people from myriad walks of Life speak to each other, voice their feelings, their actions, quite often in symphony with other World Citizens. Each "tweet" must be composed of no more than 140 characters. Once can discover treasure on Twitter, or one can find decay...I pray to add positivity, even though I am neither a frequent nor a powerful Voice...

" mi twittery protocol-invisible to thine eyes? 
tis flittery Time:  chained to claims mundane but Gold, 
eyes widest to Beloveds' Lives entwined "
" so please think not:"she ignores me" - I appreciate you more than I can say! I simply can't say so now! Meanwhile, warmWishes & Thanx for ~you

**I took the liberty of stretching the two utterances out a bit here, so they would be a bit clearer. 

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