* June 17, 2012...this little scenario set a new World o'mine in motion, for a larger project, which continues to grow...At the Moment, I call the collection:
"The World Where Two Moons Reign"...
Soon, I shall link other pieces...Thanks & love to you, Faith!*
Day 1:
Serena's huge, terrified eyes stared from a minute crevice of the ancient crags of Hazey Mountain. She peered, ribs, mind & Heart aching, at the iridescent SeaBirds and the two-legged butterflies, whose graceful, yet seemingly sinister movements threatened all she had ever known; their foreign eyes, limbs and dances, daintily pretty as they appeared, could be another effort, on the part of the Rectangular Royals, to extract the faeries, to murder and consume her Band, the only family she had ever loved. Her belly rumbled, but she must banish selfish nutrition from her thoughts; her predicament dictated that all her concentration must be upon the survival of her beloved FaeryBand. She had awakened here last Night, surrounded by her petrified Family, strangers to this heavy stultifying Air, an armslength across strange choppy waters from the true home of the humongous hostile Rectangular Royals.
Day 2
The Air and Sky colours began their tumultuous changes again. She held her sounds inside, even as the gentle, potentially fear-quashing Sea appeared to rise mere healing inches, beneath her broken feet. She could not interrupt the Rectangular Royals at their Evening Tea-Bath, lest they come for her Tribe of tiny, mute, downy-bodied faeries. She sensed the Royal Rectangles' gargantuan ears would catch even a cottony-cushioned breath.
"Pssst!" she dreamed she heard. "Pssst! Over here!" A quiet, rain-sweet song bubbled up from the Sea, beneath the bouldered blanket shelter of the ancient Mountain. Faint hope lit her Heart, although she knew the vision must be but a desperate apparition, created by her frantic Soul.
Her wet eyes touched a Rolling Star, swathed in bold rainbow raiments, wading gracefully as a CloudRunner, in the softer Sea beneath the cavern. "A WaterStar?!" her mind exclaimed, bemused, yet oddly ready to believe rescue could possibly arrive in such an implausible form. In her every distant memory, The Elders had sung whispery tunes of The WaterStars, but she had believed these PeaceCreatures to be their beautiful, loving mythology, conjured to form soothing guardianship to the cruel, violent world she and her Band would inherit. Perhaps she had...passed over? No. Her delicate, blissful family began to sigh silently around her. They had been covered in slumber when she awoke in this angular, belligerent place. The survival of Serena's faery babies and siblings weighed as if a Planet upon her Being. She yearned to show them, once more, their Sun, to assure them their World continued its perpetually golden, harmonious rhythm. She held them close to her, all the teeny, wide-eyed faeries, their tender sweetdough bodies warm inside her embrace.
The rolling WaterStar's colors sparkled cameleon colors, as she tumbled swiftly, soundlessly toward the Band. Her five points juggled two tiny glowing Suns, each the size of a ping-pong ball, (Serena had viewed the mythical game of "ping pong" inside an early childhood Dream). She felt her little ones' softwarm bodies bulge in delight, like miniscule bread rolls plumping in their ancient mothers' stone ovens. Serena realized she could finally sigh with relief, as the WaterStar smiled into her eyes, and continued her roll toward their hiding cave. As she reached the Faery Band, one of her points ceased juggling (the other four continued); the point rounded into a small, calm paw, its attached, bright-embered, ray-like arm, long enough to accommodate the ascent and board of the entire Band of tiny faeries.
The two shimmering Suns heated them and the Mountain, the Sea, the Air; Serena and the WaterStar fearlessly beamed. Words felt unnecessary. As Serena clamoured upon a Sun-Full WaterStar arm, her gratitude grew so strong, her Heart sailed out for a Moment, in the purified, kaleidoscopic Air! She knew the WaterStar had not been a FaeryTale; large, melting tears filled her eyes. She finally understood her Ancestors, and their never mythical Faith.