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Neen and Grampa, Love You Always

Neen and Grampa, Love You Always



Angel Robin

Angel Robin
MANY of these photos are courtesy of my SoulMate, my Beloved Eternal, Robin Taylor.

We Meet Again...

We Meet Again...







Cathy's Babies

Cathy's Babies

Saturday, January 30, 2010

little Haitian girl - Twitterings Today

EveryDay, a challenge; my child whose needs are varied & different;
$ struggles & challenges galore, 
but what are we here on this Earth for?
Progress: mi amor says: "And where would this little girl sleep?"  
#Haiti #adopt child Haiti...
Now I've written it & cannot take it back. 

My son would love her;
I already love her. I see her; she haunts me.
She sits cross-legged on the floor; my son, so affectionate, pets her hair .
No poetic words, only seriousness: Wishing with all my Heart to adopt a little girl from Haiti. I see her in my son's room, rolling the ball.

another door ?

siezed by the grey cottonSnow Moment, 
by the Day's tone, sleepy, uninspired,
I revise time; Break-in through another Door.
Who reads poetry? Who will remember us?
We must fling ourselves into the Time capsule, Before Flight, 
off into the sweet, Dark, Rich Unknown

Nature's Dance: our eyes, hearts, minds, bodies...Life's Eternal Rhythm. 
Swirls of Color & Music illuminate Life. We Move; we echo Her Art.

Night of Dreams. One Dream sleeps softly upon another, 
upon the new Light, Entrance...
Sleep to Love

Friday, January 29, 2010

To my Nina

To My Dear Beloved Nina:

Miss you so much, my angel. You're in my genes,part of me, but I can't stop missing your face, your voice.Every new Season brings new tears.
 Dec 9th, 2009

1st Winter falls upon a stone tribute to her Soul. I cry.

Grief slices through my Heart to imagine her cold.
I know she wants me to smile.
 Dec 9th, 2009

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Thoughts for La Luna

I'll never know why I feel thrills Inside
when the Moon sees me in a Sky still DayLit.  
Why do I *need* to comprehend...
I am grateful to be able to enjoy her Smile.

I'm taking out the trash...& I am Gifted to see a splendiforous Wonder.
Motivation to keep Moving,
even in those tasks Mundane...
*~*~*Unbeknownst to me, 30 minutes later,
my Beloved was seated outside, 
cross-legged in the January Evening, 
his tripod a diamond eye,

Photographing La Luna

photos by Robin

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Questionable quiddity animates the sentient Soul?
In my eyes, no. I cannot doubt such veritable Essence. 

What a great Word! #quiddity
february 15, 2009

Beautiful Photos

A few of the most beautiful photos you will ever see.
Photos by my British Love.

Friday, January 22, 2010

late 2009/ January 2010 For My Leo

Upon old Snow, mud-grey, part Ice, 
he finds an Autumn leaf, gnarled Gold;
he sees how Seasons live & die; 
Nature Mother, hold my child.
  Tears freeze my eyes; I leave you in school's doorway.
You feel me, turn to see me wave. 
How will I ever let you go, my angel?

  Angels twirl,cloaked in frigid white lace. 
My child sees them dance,
reaches a still soft baby-hand, 
retrieves their soft bodies,

..Oct 19th, 2009..

A little boy Spirit haunts a toy truck my son used to play with. He's a sweet Spirit. I think his name is Eddie.
Don't think I will put the "Eddie-truck" away in a closet. I like my Spirits where I can ~see them. I love new Friends.

Oct 19th, 2009

I'm happy my babe now has moved on to other toys,even tho "Eddie" seems a kind ghosty.I prefer my son plays with toys of this LifeTime. 

Oct 19th, 2009


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Scribbled Circles in Dreams...

I'm grateful for the Time I do get for my smokey, ethereal pursuits 
                                   (Will they ever help anybody anyway ?

I'm smiling for no exact reason,
trying not to wish for Spring, 
as I'd be asking a faery sweet to make haste with my Life.

January21, 2010    (I've finally realized many of my posts here were written in 2010...must revise, now that I finally realized when I I?

My Muse floats on grey sailed Clouds, waves at me with ice-torn wings. 
My eyes beseech her, guide my Thoughts;
she smiles & sings me "wait". 

3:48 PM Dec 26th, 2009


Inspiration,where have you flown?
I can't hear you above the din of the whine.
I am truly blessed,even in ice.
I prefer the warm of the Muse 
3:44 PM Dec 26th, 2009

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I don't love the sound of the word, "blog"

I have never liked the sound of that Word! I am a word geek, one who loves long vowel sounds. 
And so I refer to mine as my little "purple & black".
(but gratitude for the space sent to those who have gifted it.)
Oh, & while we're here....
Please do not fear to follow me, to post me a comment, whether it's positive or negative. Quite likely, you'll make my Day.
As for the ads which boast miracle cures for ailments, evil spirits, & cat-sitters, 
*~*please be so kind as to scroll beneaththese in order to see if I've writtenanything which might, however remotely, be of interest to you.
Thank you from my Heart.

Aztec Eyes , Canto I & Canto II + Thoughts While contemplating "Aztec Eyes," Canto III, while listening to my son throw toys & sing opera.

a work incomplete

Aztec Eyes , Cantos I & II , + Thoughts While Contemplating Canto III, while listening to my son throw toys & sing opera

Smooth velvet eyes glisten like Rain,
sparkle my face;
I am falling, tumbling, lost!

unholy Thunder rumbles - your hands!
brightest Lightning slices, shrieks!

Who would expect
ancient Aztec diamonds
Poetic lies inside your eyes...?
I never knew til Desert dearth descended on my Night.
Dawn, a dusty secret path, through
brambles, my ankles!
blood river writhes down MoonLit legs.
You move, unscathed,
hard pirate brave,

in mountain Night
I'm yours to save...
but your Heart hides beneath your Body;
you... slave!
If I were to speak these words aloud...


I follow you, tears unshed, to nowhere, to heavens

heartquakes pound, screams rhyme; your voice!
a god so beautiful as you
what could you want with me?
Let muscled hand Scorch, sear my face
I care not;
Am I not here ?
Our colours paint a forest face
a landscape foreign ancient new
Yet I have traveled here before,
Clandestine Nights, an older Life,
We slept beneath Her lemon tree
Awoke to suck limon verde
Morning, ripe for us to eat
Primordial cries of ecstasy!
la sierra madre dances, rumbles,
rules all Life, sings memories old,
Her horizon jagged, smoothed by Time
Her Secret Songs, the Life she sees!
ancient women weep in Her crevices..
Lovers secret, stolen bride
Time to leave my parents' home
Mi novio god, warrior mine,
I forever Give myself to thee
Please love me always
You make me weep
I hide inside the monte's brambles
Sshhh! he hears, dark wedded mine.
You knew not who I was, mi love,
Disguised, I was, in peasant's raiments
Waited centuries for you

Take me- but I yield not all;
Do you not hear the eagle's call?
You mount me as your spirited steed
Yet sooner take your whip to me
My Love, my lord, your sacred bride
My cries stay silent, you don't see
My restless Sleep in desert mount
My aching Soul, finally free ?
I fly to your embrace once more
The hells screech! Heavens! no escape
To feel your ancient Aztec eyes
weep diamond piercings on my breasts
You own my aching body new
Our Souls scream! struggle, intertwine
Forever Dance the Dream of Love

Who would expect, ancient Aztec diamonds
Poetic lies inside your eyes...?
I never knew til Desert dearth descended on my Night.
Behold a blinding DayLight Moon
Saguaro fruit bathe sweet your tongue
I suck the juice ripe from your lips
Thoughts revel in your drunkenness
Hear thunderous horses in the mount

Imagine! I am your bride anew!
My Soul, I vow, you shall not own,
My Soul to la sierra flies;
I'm but a woman in your eyes.

search Deeply ! Move your desert eyes!
your proud true ancient mothers - see?


I've flown once more,to ancient Mount
My Soul to stay

please do not call

For now they hold me, Mothers all
Your eyes, black diamonds, don't deceive
She who reaches out for me
Yet your dark dust Song , your sick sweet bruised love...
Whispers ancient threats
on the NightFall breeze
Tickles me ear, breathes ecstasy.
The mothers bathe me in rare, precious mountain brooks,
kissed by agua miel;
Honey water's baptism
soothes not to clean my crimson pride...

I could break through these ancient arms
to be with you, your humble slave
but I shall resist your eyes ... a Moment...

Even while I hear your pulsing pounding rhythm,
boldly quiet; soft and strong,
I remember why you hold me,
Rip through me with jeweled knives in your eyes

El Monte whispers lies to me?
You are no Warrior of old,
but a man who's told he holds dominion divine
a believer of faerytales, deceit an easy game...

Here across the Horizon, the Monte mothers hold me down...

Who would expect ancient Aztec diamonds
Poetic lies inside your eyes...?
I never knew til Desert dearth descended on my Night.

Song II/CantoII

Our Hearts SleepTouchSnake around each other.
Dreams, Nightmares...
Serpentine Twin-ed Hearts,
the Poison surfaces only in our separation;
I see you clearly now,
even as the Monte Mothers
remove the bindings, and
I am free to run to you;

Eighteen Nights my body safe,
in their Starry hold;
I promise, Mothers, Stars, The Mount,
The secret silent labrynthe Dawn;
my sinuous new fierce footfalls,
between your Skies, your waking Light
grown strong as warrior Morn's ignited Colours,
shall take me,

into his arms;
Mothers, your words live here in my Mind.

Your screams of ecstasy shake The Mount,
Your tiny death mirrored
Eight thousand times in MonteMadres' Eyes & Ears,
The Ancients shake in pleasure, in Knowing...
Moments slip by quickly, slowly,
Soon, mi amor, soon...
You, too, will hear
Dark mirrored screams,
A Song from MadreMonte's streams,
while bloody rivulets run again,
down too pale legs,
Be-brambled bites...
Soon you will know the Story, sweet love.
Who would expect ancient Aztec diamonds
Poetic lies inside your eyes...?
I never knew til Desert dearth descended on my Night.
The Sky lies in silent, dark color,
pregnant with your Story
el Monte sighs, all eyes...
Soon, mi amor.
Thoughts while contemplating "Aztec Eyes," Canto II, while listening to my son throw toys & sing opera

I hear the Songs now, like Poems
Whose voice, whose Mind now speaks to me?
I'm not afraid of the Unknown
Have no pain to realize
You are not like me-
You are Somewhere Else -
Please reveal yourself to me?

I cannot Sleep for your Voice in me
Food means nothing,
only Love
Lives strong within me
Love and Words
The Music The Music
My Muse My Muse

Dancing Strings Sing Screams inside me
Boil, scalding, toward the surface now
Near to heaven's sweet explosion
Sweet Tiny Death, I seek your sound...
but You whisper not...
No shy Muse, you,

The Music The Music
My Muse My Muse
Please reveal yourSelves to me?

I have a feeling I know who you are
But this admission
Means I'd acknowledge a NightMare real,
Desert Horses trampling through my weary brain

Thursday, January 14, 2010

To Edgar Allen Poe

I am sorry about your burnt finger. :( I wonder where you are. Dusk so soon? 'Tis always Dusk? 
1:34 PM Dec 11th, 2009

Happy Chanukah, Mr. Poe.Last Night, I danced all night, in my rose taffeta gown. Am I the only lady who saw? 
1:44 PM Dec 11th, 2009

Glimpsed your shape beneath the eaves of Mr. Barton's fine home, saw your bitter grin inside my deep red wine. Eyes so sad...
1:46 PM Dec 11th, 2009

ThedaLove...awakes on Twitter...late 2009

1915. I hear you,see you,feel you.& you touch *me*. 'Tis True? nearly 2010? Long I slumber,but I awake & arise thru a Portal about Birds? 8:14 PM Dec 30th, 2009

You chirp and !!! I return to the Stage, where I Began my Journey of Fame, where the World knew my name, altho few heard me speak a Word. 8:19 PM Dec 30th, 2009

I seek the Truth. Who am I? Who are you? Silver & StarLight dazzled me with MoonDust. Ohio? But no! I am an Egyptian Queen! See me sparkle? 8:20 PM Dec 30th, 2009

Frozen Insomnia, Chocolate Chile, & Love Notes

Freezing our Love, our thoughts & Dreams...Why,MotherWinter,can't your white lace twirlings heal him? I beseech you in the name of Amor.

Please protect beloveds mine.Please me cuidas a mi,o no puedo cuidar a los que amo. Deities Ancient,I thank you for your attention.Mortal,I.

Where are you, in the haze of BurgundyLight? Will Sleep be mine Tonite? Or am I to fall, in narcissistic somnambulance, to the firey depths?


@bendycha Mmmmm....SoundsFeelsTastes extremely delicious. However, I find dark chocolate, especially with chile, the *most* delicious. :) xo


@bluesonicboy Forever Yours, my SoulMate, mi amor! :)

@bluesonicboy I love you, bluesonicboy !! Photos of the kitties who share our Music, our Poetry;protect our babe, share our Lives: (above)

SADD.Do many feel this way? Winter feels so bleak. Sunshine,I need Your warming Light.I want Spring, but don't wish to rush my LifeTime away.
Wonder if Sleep will ever be part of my routine again. Thanks for looking at my weirdy Wordy Musings. LOVE

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

For myBeLoved Wonderous Child : Winter Music, 2009

Moon, Alive in Day, how do I explain to you, so small, your presence & your Light, while Sun smiles rainbows upon muddy Snow. 3:39 PM Dec 27th, 2009
Moon, Alive in Day, Shines in his Eyes, Globes aglow with her Light. I will never feel my worthiness of this Miracle Child. 3:36 PM Dec 27th, 2009 

New Day Gifts, SunSmiles, Wind, & mostly melted Snow, dirtied by people's machines. My child asks me why White Snow is sooty black. 11:12 AM Dec 28th, 2009

Tangerine fur & little boy purrs, Both angels Winter blanketed. I know they have loved each other across LifeTimes. 12:32 AM Dec 30th, 2009 
CathyCat sleeps at the foot of his bed, makes no distinction: he is her baby, too. My child & Cathy Cat have grown up together from infancy. 12:30 AM Dec 30th, 2009


a few tweets from 2009, then....January 2010....

 Works all In Progress, not even in order by date

                                                         Lady Winter...

Frigid white blanket, who moves upon this barren wedding bed,

Union of Her Love & Her Fury?
Life lies beneath the Ice.
Jan. 8, 2010

Frigid frozen phantoms stalk milky murky memories,

watch her wild wind walk, long to feel her. 
She feigns blindness; they fall to slumber.
Jan. 11, 2010

Miraculous DayLight Moon, I bathe in your Light &
I will never comprehend how people say we are not One. 
Dec 27th, 2009

"First of all I'll say Thank U Jesus another safe trip... Woke up 6am in Sexy London ... Wheels down in the Lovely Bay" ... 2pm

‏ @ChayaChaya

@MCHammer Your you're Singing to me... sigh... another glass of red wine...Why yes, thank you. I toast you Hammer!
Retweeted by MC HAMMER


1912 Journalism in my hands...
So much has changed, but people remain people. 
Jul 20th, 2009

Media/TechStuff *does* change...People *do* change...but our Humanoid Feelings, deep down Inside, seem the same across Time. 

Jul 21st, 2009

May all be blanketed in warmth, safety, love, during Mother Winter's elaborate display of tumultuous emotion. Tormenta de la madre invierno. 
Dec 19th, 2009

Bright white needles gleam! My eyes! Inside my ears,the Wind,a knife.

Mother Winter,please be gentle with your children;Whisk us to warm Home.
 Dec 12th, 2009 

@ImagiNextCo re: "scared to death twice": You become Alive by double. My friend suggests chewing a cinnamon stick after a fright.  

Dec 17th, 2009

Sublime to be alive. 

Apr 13th, 2009

Thank you for the SunBeam, Ra. Thanks to all the Gods & Goddesses, the Ancients, the ever-present.What Powerful blessings you bestow on me.  

Dec 15th, 2009

Ever-Present Energy Love, so very powerful,

I feel you connect me with all Life. 
Your name matters to me not; I feel you carry me thru Life.

Dec 15th, 2009

The Life of Clouds...listen...they whisper... 

Jul 18th, 2009

I see my Life carried on a Rainbow;

Many-Colored Clouds surround.
I float through the changing hues. 
Angels & goddesses hold me, even in Dark Clouds. 
Dec 20th, 2009

The Energy which carries me burns pure, is Light, is Love. 

Darker Energy attempts intrusion; I reason with him. 
I feel carried through Life. 
Dec 20th, 2009
The angels, the gods, the goddesses are already here,
as well as Darker Creatures...
Dec 20th, 2009 

 In opiate haze, I pray your senses knew the existence of the angels.
Clouds of smoke & shadow fill your prose, but
I'd enjoy your smile, pure with Joy before the Pain. Thank you, Grand Wordsmith, for touching my Life with yours. 
Dec 20th, 2009

We all share this space & this Moment. Do you wonder why? I don't. I'm grateful for it & know it's for a reason. Be warm & be blessed. 

Dec 19th, 2009


am I loved? 3:11 AM Oct 25th, 2009

Listening to the sounds of my home.Men young & old snoring, including Felines.Insomnia Chronic. I love my Life.Wish I didn't have to sleep.
Oct 25th, 2009

Life sans Felines, I can't imagine. We are inextricably connected. 

My favorite kitty's eyes touch mine; we meet somewhere between worlds.

Enable your kitty's habit? :) 

Dec 19th, 2009

@bluesonicboy Cathy loves you & she has loved to pose for your photos since tinyKittenhood. You are Soulmates. (photo below by bluesonicboy)

Dec 19th, 2009

Cathy. We love you.Special kitty herb is yours,late Hanukah, early XMas. 

Dec 19th, 2009

Felines are part of my Spiritual Circle.I'll always be surrounded by Kitties.Every Cat is different in personality.I'm honored they love me.
Dear TE,
Patchouli-Autumn HeartVibes to my Elusive Artist/Illusionist Friend. Do you feel them? I miss you! Please tell me you are alright. You're in my Heart.

  Oct 26th, 2009

Oct 26th, 2009 6% of Americans believe MoonWalk, Summer 1969, was an elaborate hoax. 7:42 PM Jul 18th, 2009 ......